Sunday 1 July 2012

Zombies For The Sake Of It

It's been referred to and talked about for a while on the Kettle, but few people actually know what it is. I'm here to put that to rest, because I know what it is and I like to be the guy who answers the questions around here.

'Zombies For The Sake Of It' (abbreviated to ZFTSOI for sanity's sake) is the first short film currently being produced by Random Panda Productions, a close collaborator with Dead Fish. The script was written by members of RPP for personal gratification, but after some time they decided that it would be a good idea to produce it as a short film. This event actually led to the beginning of RPP. The formation of Dead Fish happened to coincide with RPP's request that I act in the film. This has possibly led to it being a collaboration between Random Panda and Dead Fish, but it's still a matter for discussion as to whether it may be considered such.

The idea is that the zombie apocalypse comes early, namely while a group of teenagers are out camping. At this point, it becomes your classic zombie thriller: people out to survive, kill zombies and just generally live life as per usual. And then there's the romantic side too. (That's what you get when someone who reads too many Jane Austen novels and Bronte Sisters books gets their teeth into scriptwriting. Sigh.) It's an interesting concept, with a bit of time travel thrown in and some paradoxes that have nothing to do with time, too. It should be a riot to film.

I suppose I shall speak often of ZFTSOI over the next few weeks, as we're supposed to start filming in four weeks or so. Until then, though, I'll leave the subject be - we may well have a number of Random Panda people joining us fairly soon.


  1. Replies
    1. Yup, we love to have more people. The more the merrier and all that, and with our subdivisions firmly in place, it'll not be a case of 'too many cooks spoil the broth'. Hopefully.

      Flash inspiration! A cooking series...

  2. Yay, general madness! At some point during the script, when fighting, I am just going to scream out: BATTLE CRY! Let's see how many times we can muck up the script.

    1. Let's not. Bats would kill you with fire if you tried. So let's really not ruin everything.

    2. Okay, but I'll still say that.

  3. Killing with fire? Am I really that scary?
    You make the film sound very cool Pisces. I think you should write the blurb perhaps? I like the idea of a collaboration.
    Rinrei - I'm watching you ¬¬

    1. Well, you could be described as the title of a certain Meat Loaf song. I believe you know the one I mean - it references your mammalian namesake.

      I do try to make everything sound glamorous. It's part of being in the business, I believe - perhaps 'showmanship' is the word of the day with me. I'm just good at spicing things up.

    2. I love you too, Bats/Pipistrelle.

    3. <3 Squeek :3
