Saturday 14 July 2012

The Classroom - Collaborative Comedy

Collaborating on something has always been something that I've wanted to do, and now I'm doing it. Here at Dead Fish, our scriptwriting team is wonderfully small. (That means that we either need to recruit more people or write really fast. Personally, I'm fine with just writing fast. Heheh.) And because there are only two of us, that makes collaborating pretty easy.

Danjo, as we call him, recently put forth an idea for a mockumentary series and asked for my opinions. My current embroilment in it is now as part of the writing team for it. Yup, that's right - we're collaborating on a comedy TV series.

The series, called 'The Classroom', is a mockumentary about a particular class in an American high school. The sophomore year are basically a bunch of really, really awkward students and they get up to all kinds of mischief. We currently plan to place a sedated crocodile in a biology classroom. Those American High Schools; they're crazy. (I jest, of course - I have nothing against America, except that it's distorted the perfectly reasonable 'maths' into 'math', which is just wrong.) So far though we have 14 pages of the pilot followed by a string of ideas for stuff later on. It's just a matter of volleying ideas across the Internet to each other. Distance doesn't matter; Gmail kills all boundaries. Heheh.

I'm sure that Dan and myself shall tell you all about it through the next few weeks and stuff. I'm not entirely sure where it's going though - we're very unlikely to actually produce it ourselves. More likely we'll sell it on to something like ITV or something else equally rich yet in desperate need of laughs. Time shall tell. Maybe you'll see our names on a credits list sometime within the next year or two - who can tell? All we can say is that we're hopeful.

Hoping for some laughs,


  1. YES!!!! You put it up! Yes! Update: We have finished the pilot at 21 pages, moving on to the following episodes and editing.... should be fun...

    1. I did indeed put it up; yes I did.

      You finished it? No way! Party time! Rave at my place, folks.

      I insist that we include an inflatable hoof at some point or other.

  2. inflatable hooves, foot cream, drugged alligators, prosthetic limbs, and milk in a bag...
    gotta love the inside jokes

    1. We'll make a man out of you... You hit a wall, you chop it down. Especially if it's a tree.
