About Dead Fish

Once upon a time, a bored teenager with delusions of grandeur and another teenager with a camera decided they'd like to found their own production company. The result was Dead Fish, an amateur group. As part of their mad plan, they set up a blog that had the sole goal to follow film production through all its stages, from conception to the end credits. That blog is this blog.

On this blog, you can expect to see production notes, rough scribbled ideas, extracts from the screenwriter's scripts and, eventually, the films themselves. This is a project looking into how films are written, filmed and produced, and hopefully we can learn to do it ourselves. If not, you're going to be watching some sort of epic fail.

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There are several members of Dead Fish:

Professor Pisces, the man with the plan and the delusions of grandeur writes and edits the scripts for Dead Fish Productions. He's also the director, executive producer and casting person. He shall undoubtedly cast himself as the main character in almost every film he writes, unless someone else wrangles the job of casting from him.

Bill, the guy with the camera. Without him, there would be no camera and therefore no film. Bill is a one-man film crew, except for when there are people standing around with nothing to do. He has an aptitude for digital art. As well as this, he's destined to act in several of the films.

Daniel Johnson, better known as Danjo around the site, is a member of the scriptwriting team at Dead Fish and owns his own section of Dead Fish, Johnson Production Studios (see below). He's also the entire overseas branch of Dead Fish - he's the only American we have.

Bod, the Professor's younger brother. He's an actor as well as the stuntman. (After all, he's good at falling over.) As well as this, he looks for continuity - well, everyone does, but he's the obsessive one.

Matt, the crazy boy with ideas. He's a well respected gentleman from the parliament of the mind and lives in Buckingham Palace - he just lets the Queen live there sometimes. He's a veritable well of crazy thoughts and tends to inspire some of the weirder ideas. Here, he's an actor and film editor.

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As well as working solo, Dead Fish work in collaboration with several other individuals and groups:

Johnson Production Studios is a one-man studio chaired by Daniel Johnson, who writes and produces his own short films on his YouTube channel (click here to see it) with the help of friends.

Random Panda Productions is an as-yet unpublished production company currently creating its first short film, a project in which Dead Fish has a part.


  1. Wow, I never thought you'd go through with this. I'm part of 'The Mad Council'(where being mad is the most fun you'll ever have) on youtube and I created the sound effects and find the music. Yip.

  2. Also, is Random Panda productions Bats company?

  3. Random Panda is bats company. She hasn't made anything yet.
    Rinrei, I'm Danjo. Nice to maketh your aquantance.
