Saturday 26 January 2013

Fish to Fry: A Very Late Update

Well, that took longer than expected.

Yup, it's Pisces, back for another round, playing another layer of the cake that is life. I would make an excuse for my taking so long to get round to posting, but it would be unnecessarily long and more than likely entirely true. I've been busy, blah, blah, blah, I have a life outside of the internet, blah, blah, blah. It's all lies, I tell you. LIES.

Much has happened over the many months since my last actual post. (Because, naturally, there are posts that I've made that don't count as 'actual' postings. Go figure.) Whjere to begin? Maybe I should start with ZFTSOI. 'Zombies for the Sake of It' rather went kaput, and shall not be making another appearance. We shot all of ten minutes' footage over the course of two widely spaced-out film shoots, after which the writers/producers/directors binned the whole thing. A waste of a good script, maybe, but it isn't like we had a brilliant camera anyway.

Things only end so that new things may begin, though. Currently, I'm embroiled in an ambitious and ridiculously large project adapting a manga/anime into a live action webseries, filming for which should begin in June. Presently, the scripts are being completed, props sourced and locations being scouted. Why, just today I was looking at a particular hill with a eyes green with jealousy. We will yet use that hump of rock and tree; yes, we shall. This in itself is coming along just fine, though we're yet to so much as determine which locations we will actually use and which are lost causes. Also on the agenda is to get storyboards done for the shots. Likely, this will be done closer to the time (knowing us, on the day).

As for other Dead Fish projects, 'Attack of the Killer Shoes' is being held in reserve until such time as I can pull myself together and get some work done. I've already got a location in mind for that one. There are also several other short films in the early stages of development, the main one just now being 'Therefore, Aliens', a collaboration between Matt and I. Keep an eye out for those.

That's what's keeping us busy just now, people. When YYH production begins, we'll set up a production journal - it's gonna be a long haul, and we need the record anyway, so that shall be that. As for the shorts, you can count on us for sporadic updates. In the meantime, keep checking back for news on our current projects.

Dead Fish is, for want of a better phrase, alive and kicking.

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