Sunday 1 July 2012

Attack of the Killer Shoes: Ideas Phase

For our first short, I, Professor Pisces, decided to try out an unusual idea that's been asking for my attention for a while now. The idea is a strange one, but it's those films that are weird that catch the attention, no?

The general idea is: shoes come alive and kill people. That's it. However, that's just the premise rather than the entire story. No, more than that should happen. I tend to subscribe to the idea that the story's at least as important as the actual filming of the thing, and when you've got next to no budget like us, you need to make better what is within your power to improve.

So, what's happening with 'Attack of the Killer Shoes'? Well, I can't really reveal that much, but the script's well under way and we're discussing filming it later. First, though, I'll need to find at least three actors for it. Actors are important. They make the world go round. What else can I say? Oh yes! We'll be requiring a large number of shoes, some of which we can cut up and make ragged. We're already stabbing one shoe to death and pumping at least another three full of foam. Is there any limit to our madness?

Stay tuned for more on our latest short, 'Attack of the Killer Shoes', and follow it through the different stages as it progresses towards becoming an actual movie.

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