Wednesday 4 July 2012

ZFTSOI: The Plot, Pretty Much

I've decided to go with Pipistrelle's idea and write a synopsis of the plot for 'Zombies For The Sake Of It' (ZFTSOI). Unfortunately for me, I'm not terribly in love with the plot and everyone knows it. Still, I cannot simply insult Zombies. That would be terrible; an evil thing that would probably earn me a rap on the knuckles with a several mile long ruler. It would have to be fairly large; I'm not where I should be, and that is something that they know.

This is the 'plotting phase', the bit where ideas are strung together and fleshed out. It's the long-anticipated sequel to the ideas phase. Expect both of those terms to crop up in the tags section at the bottom of certain posts; click on them to check out the other ideas that are stuck in development. (Technically ZFTSOI is past ideas and plotting, but it all needs to be said anyway. It's even past casting; but then again, each character was tailor made for a specific actor anyway. Soon we'll be into production.)

Without further ado, a paragraph or two on the plot of ZFTSOI, written expressly to attract more attention than is strictly required.

When the zombie apocalypse arrives a little sooner than is expected, a group of camping teens find themselves to be the target of the undead hordes. But when you're armed with perpetual motion guns rather conveniently gifted to you by the future you, you tend to be fairly prepared for all eventualities. Well, almost.
   When zombies, guns and a fairly predictable romance collide, who shall survive when the apocalypse occurs... for the sake of it?

(Pipistrelle, you have the rights to this film. Do feel free to tell me whether anything should be changed. This particular clause of our agreement only applies to the above synopsis rather than any of my expressed opinions. Just so you know.)

The script contained some rather classic instances of deus ex machina. If you who know Latin or a bit of English theory, you'll ken my meaning. If you don't then you should look it up. It tends to crop up in a lot of things. It's not necessarily bad, but it's a little convenient. It betrays a lack of background, methinks. This is, of course, why it happens in my tales all the time. The fact that the character happens to knock over a chemistry set containing a weird set of chemicals that creates life in shoes... When a character travels back in time despite an apparent lack of the necessary technology in order to hand off some guns that never run out of ammo, therefore destroying the axiom of zombie films and endorsing a renowned paradox, and then skips off into the woods to disappear. It's all the same.

Well, ranting aside, it should make for an interesting short film. Now you know the plot. I'll talk about casting at some other point.


  1. I dare you to put something like this in your script
    A: Well, it could be zombies on fire
    B: Heh, zombies on fire.
    A: In bed.
    B: With?
    A&B: Your mum! [Zombie is set on fire]
    A: GAH! I take it back!
    Go on, that is my challenge to you.

    1. Sorry to bother, my friend but I didn't quite catch that... at all.
