Tuesday 3 July 2012

Attack of the Killer Shoes: Organising Ideas

'Attack of the Killer Shoes' continues to take shape, I'm glad to say. I even have a pretty complete plot for it, though the plot isn't terribly complex. Then again, considering what sort of film this shall be, it doesn't really have to be.

I can now reveal a short plot synopsis for 'Attack of the Killer Shoes'.

When David's older sister Anna buys new shoes, the consequences are severe. A stabbing, a chemistry set and an elbow all conspire to bring about an unusual evil: a living shoe, hungry for revenge. As the shoe amasses an army of footwear, they find themselves trapped inside their home. Can they survive the attack of the killer shoes?

That pretty much sums it up for you. So far, the production requires a cast of three (two males, one female). I have ideas for filming it, and casting can be expected to go ahead within a week or two. I have not, unlike with ZFTSOI, tailor-made each character for a specific actor. But I'm sure that I'll speak of the specifics for Zombies later on. You can be all but sure of it.

Regards - for now.
   Professor Pisces

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