Monday 6 August 2012

The Postman Cometh - Filming & Production

Well, this is all very sudden, but Dead Fish now has its first credited production being produced! Good friend Skald has written a script and, with his sister Pipistrelle's (aka Bats) and my help, he's producing it as a short film. Cool.

So, I've been given the part of the BBC News Reporter who has to interview a student about to get his exam results. This student - a certain Alexander McCall, as he is named - doesn't feel great about the exams he sat and is getting very nervous indeed. All the while, the postman gets nearer...

I've made it more dramatic than it is. The film was shot yesterday in around three or four hours, including the break we took to watch the Olympics (Andy Murray gets GOLD!). We shot each scene three times just to be safe, and it works pretty well. Skald got his family to help out. Of course, Skald gets the most screentime whereas I get next to none. As a reporter, I actually remain offscreen for way too much time. But I'm there - the guy with the rugby-style shirt, microphone and wonderfully curly hair.

I'm quite pleased with it, not in the least because any discrepancies and errors in the script cannot be attributed to me. I'm also pleased that I got to get Skald to say that it was 'in association with Dead Fish Productions'. It's the first Dead Fish film to our name. Heheh. Plus, I got to act. I like to act.

I claim half the directing credit - I directed at least half the film, but not the camerawork.

Overall, it has been great fun to film and produce. The movie should appear on YouTube as soon as Skald's finished splicing the shots together. I'd like a look at it before it goes up, but in the end it's his film. I have little say in it. When it's online, it'll appear in a post - mark my words.

Cheers, folks!

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