Saturday 30 June 2012

Welcome to Dead Fish Productions

Welcome to Dead Fish Productions, or Dead Fish. Here at Dead Fish, we specialise in making writing and producing our very own films, whether they be short films, mock documentaries or simply little clips of us talking some random gibberish.

Dead Fish was founded by myself, Professor Pisces, just today, around twenty minutes ago, with my friend Bill. The whole story will undoubtedly be told later - for now, let's leave it at that.

Here at the Dead Fish blog, expect regular updates as to our upcoming shorts, scripted films and random happenings. When we produce a film, we'll upload it to YouTube via our as-yet nonexistent chanel and link to it from here and vice versa. If you ever have any thoughts that you'd like to share, please feel free to drop them in the comments.

Welcome to Dead Fish Productions, people. It's gonna be a riot.

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