Saturday 30 June 2012

Pisces, the Fish

Hello there. This is Professor Pisces, aka Timothy Turpin, speaking from Dead Fish Studios, somewhere in bonny Scotland. You can consider this an introduction.

I, Professor Pisces, am the founder of this little company. The Dead Fish blog's purpose is to document each and every stage of production, from the paper (or computer screen) to screen (or the same computer screen, as it'll probably turn out to be).

I'm the scriptwriter, director and executive producer for Dead Fish. It's my job to conceive an idea, write up that idea and then oversee the fireworks display. I'll also be recruiting more members for the team.

Now that I've said all the boring stuff, I can tell you a little about myself! I'm the teenager with delusions of grandeur; the man with the plan; the guy who rolls the die. Perhaps unluckily, the delusions are just that, the plan sucks and I roll the die where I can't see it. And on with the show, I say! In my free time I write scripts and novels, as well as running the 'A Whole Different Kettle of Fish' blog. I'm generally said to be crazy, and they're probably right. Someone quite wise once said that the line between brilliance and madness was a thin one.

All my posts are labelled with the tag 'Pisces', so if you want to find my posts, that's the way to do it. I'll be speaking about our current projects, future projects and everything in between. I hope to see you around quite soon.

Enjoy Dead Fish - I'm sure you're going to quite enjoy what we make for you.

   Professor Pisces

Welcome to Dead Fish Productions

Welcome to Dead Fish Productions, or Dead Fish. Here at Dead Fish, we specialise in making writing and producing our very own films, whether they be short films, mock documentaries or simply little clips of us talking some random gibberish.

Dead Fish was founded by myself, Professor Pisces, just today, around twenty minutes ago, with my friend Bill. The whole story will undoubtedly be told later - for now, let's leave it at that.

Here at the Dead Fish blog, expect regular updates as to our upcoming shorts, scripted films and random happenings. When we produce a film, we'll upload it to YouTube via our as-yet nonexistent chanel and link to it from here and vice versa. If you ever have any thoughts that you'd like to share, please feel free to drop them in the comments.

Welcome to Dead Fish Productions, people. It's gonna be a riot.