Sunday 2 September 2012

Adapting... Manga?

Well, I certainly never thought that I'd be here, now, making this particular admission. It's just so... strange. Why on Earth would I be working on this? What has possessed me that I should take up such a challenge with as much zeal as I am so doing?

I must say it: I am working on an adaptation for a manga.

The story is not exactly long, but I'll make it concise all the same. My friend Rinrei (see my other blog, the Kettle, for some of her stuff) likes manga and anime, and has decided to make a live-action series of 'Yu Yu Hakusho', or 'Ghost Case Files'. This basically means adapting the original manga and anime into scripts and filming them. Well, Rinrei's short on cast and crewmembers, which is how I come to find myself up for being one or other of the characters and also the director.

Yes, I am a director now. Feel my might as I threaten to shout at you for not doing everything exactly right. In addition to being director, I'm also co-writer, apparently. But this is Rinrei's show. She has final say: she is manager, head writer, etc. She really does everything except direct, and I help with the other stuff because I have a bit of experience in this field and can write pretty good stuff sometimes.

So, what is the actual deal with this? To reiterate: Rinrei adapts the scripts, then sends them to me so that they can be buffed up and made to look pretty and professional. I add little bits here and there, bettering some bits but keeping to the original stuff pretty closely. I then give some tips, she says something about the narrator actually being necessary and then I remember that she's the head of the everything department. Still, I'm the director and can change some things around on-set. Maybe.

That is literally it. At present, I am in conference with Rinrei while we figure out how we're going to get the money to buy props, where we'll find a boat oar, who shall act as who (still a big fat question mark) and exactly how we're going to get a toddler to say all his lines with a pacifier in his mouth. Basically, we have our plates full.

I shall now adapt some more stuff. I bid you good day, people. Hm... Yuk Yuk Hankie Show...
